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Bootless Star


Bootless Star is a complex shell environment that allows specific modules to execute and automatically perform various tasks with minimal code and minimal user interactions. This allows a unique environment for plugins or modules to take advantage of determining system and user configurations without requiring to write the same code over and over for different plugins or modules. Thus, this will allow the user and the developers to focus on the main operations with minimal work and interactions. Lastly, Bootless Star was developed to work on Windows XP and later using Batch shell script.

Available Plugins include:

  • DeLorean
    • Inspired by the movie Back to the Future, the DeLorean allows the end-user to backup their personal files to another directory location or to another disk-drive by compacting files from 7Zip. This plugin, however, only covers the user's Home Directory and is not flexible to backup other files that are outside from the home directory. This plugin also allows the end-user to issue password protected backup files and can also restore files for the user.
  • Doom Builder 2 Compiler
    • Allows the end-user to easily compile the Doom Builder 2 software directly from the source code provided. With this plugin, the end-user will not be required to work with IDE's or pack dependency tasks. This plugin will do everything as necessary for the end-user, as well provides the user options as what Doom Builder 2 plugins to compile from the source code.
  • Doom Builder 64 Compiler
    • Allows the end-user to easily compile the Doom Builder 64 software directly from the source code provided. With this plugin, the end-user will not be required to work with IDE's or pack dependency tasks. This plugin will do everything as necessary for the end-user, as well provides the user options as what Doom Builder 64 plugins to compile from the source code.
  • GZDoom Builder Compiler
    • Allows the end-user to easily compile the GZDoom Builder software directly from the source code provided. With this plugin, the end-user will not be required to work with IDE's or pack dependency tasks. This plugin will do everything as necessary for the end-user, as well provides the user options as what GZDoom Builder plugins to compile from the source code.



This documentation is based on Bootless Star version 1.5 (Codenamed Aditi)

Table of Contents
*   What is the purpose of this program (Bootless Star)
*   Bootless Star Early Beta’s (History Stance) and Now
*   Developing New Project Modules for Bootless Star
*   License and General Permissions

What is the purpose of this program?
Bootless Star hosts an environment for external modules to take complete advantage of utilizing while offering complete broadness in flexibility.  The term ‘environment’ meaning in this case: typical settings, programs and software that is available on the host system, and user customizations.  In addition, the Bootless Star program does _NOT_, by any means, runs any operations besides generating and managing the environment.  Thus meaning, in order to perform any operations, there must be scripts designed to work within Bootless Star’s environment.

Bootless Star; Early Beta’s (History Stance) and Now
Bootless Star’s previous focus during the beta versions (since Beta 1 through Beta 7.x), was to only compile Doom Builder 2 and later – Doom Builder 64 and GZDoom Builder.  Originally, the code base was never supposed to escalate any-further and was considered to stay locked with no further improvements.  Though, after working on several other Batch shell programs: HotCompiler (the first ZIP\7z compiler for the TGRDM3 project), and the DeLorean (a user and system backup program), it became a chore to implement fixes and patches across all three programs.  The vision for Beta 8 was to change the fundamental aspects of Bootless Star and its focus from being hard-coded and limited to being – boundless and open.  With version 1.00 (released: 04 July. 2013), this allowed easier maintenance within the programs and made development easier – which allowed more features and further stability.

Developing New Project Modules for Bootless Star
This section is not to help teach those that want to create programs within the Batch shell that works with Bootless Star, but instead – help give out some useful links:
Bootless Star’s hosted environment variables: See ‘Variables.txt’ within the documents.
Programming within the Windows Batch Shell: See ‘HowToScriptBatchShell.txt’ within the documents.

License and General Permissions
See ‘Legal.txt’ within the documents.

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