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Pixel Party


This is a simulation of an online gaming store. This program was originally assigned as a group project in the Software Engineering class. With this software, the customer is able to register an account and then login using their account credentials. When logged in, the user will then be taken to the store - in which they will be able to browse through available products. When the user selects a product, they will then be able to view more details regarding the product and will also see suggestive products as well. When attached, the iWatch will display the game's cover art. From this point, the user may then choose to buy the product or return back to the store.


Gallery Controls



Authors: Kaitlynn Birch, Nicholas Gautier
E-Mail: Nicholas.Gautier.Tiger@GMail.com


Name: Pixel Party
Version: 1.0
Released: 7.December.2017
Build Time: About two months; time constraint


Platform: iOS
Language: Swift
    This is a simulation of an online gaming store.  This program was
        originally assigned as a group project in the Software
        Engineering class.  With this software, the customer is able to
        register an account and then login using their account credentials.
        When logged in, the user will then be taken to the store - in which
        they will be able to browse through available products.  When the
        user selects a product, they will then be able to view more details
        regarding the product and will also see suggestive products as well.
        When attached, the iWatch will display the game's cover art.  From
        this point, the user may then choose to buy the product or return
        back to the store.
    This project is merely a simulation of an online store and is not
    intended for real-life environments.


    XCode (v9.0.1 or later)
    SQLite3 (Internally in iPhone)
    iPhone Simulator
    iWatch Simulator


    This is a simulation project and was only created for educational
    purposes only.  The source code provided is to only be used for
    educational purposes and non-profit projects.  If using any segments
    from the source code, please provide proper credit to all authors
    mentioned in this readme file.
    Source code and all assets included are NOT to be used for commercial
    projects (or products) for monetary gains.  The source code provided
    is to only be used for educational purposes and non-profit means.

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