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Sea Shell


This program tries to emulate a simple shell like environment for the end-user, thus this program is capable of executing external commands by using what resources exists from the system's $PATH variable. This software, however, is not intended to generalized uses. This program does have some limitations that can hinder productivity, such as the following:

  • In capable of using complexed operations.
  • Only supports extCMDs, only intCMDs supported are 'exit' and 'quit'.
  • Lacks buffer history.
However, for academia purposes, this program does what is designed to-do. When the user types in an extCMD that is supported within the host-system, the program will pass the command to the right executable.


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          Sea Shell

Authors: Nicholas Gautier
E-Mail: Nicholas.Gautier.Tiger@GMail.com


Name: Sea Shell
Version: 1.0 and 1.1 (with Pipes)
Released: 19.September.2017
Revised: 28.September.2017 (with Pipes)
Build Time: About two weeks; time constraint


Platform: GNU\Linux
Language: C
    This program tries to emulate a simple shell like environment for the
        end-user, thus this program is capable of executing external commands
        by using what resources exists from the system's $PATH variable.
        This software, however, is not intended to generalized uses.  This
        program does have some limitations that can hinder productivity, such
        as the following:
            - In capable of using complexed operations
            - Only supports extCMDs, only intCMDs supported are 'exit' and 'quit'
            - Lacks buffer history
        However, for academia purposes, this program does what is designed to-do.
        When the user types in an extCMD that is supported within the host-system,
        the program will pass the command to the right executable.
    This project is merely a simple emulation of a CLI shell and is not
    intended for real-life environments.


    GNU\Linux Only
        This program utilizes GNU\Linux's APIs, thus this program requires the host environment
        to be within the Linux family.


    This is a simulation project and was only created for educational
    purposes only.  The source code provided is to only be used for
    educational purposes and non-profit projects.  If using any segments
    from the source code, please provide proper credit to all authors
    mentioned in this readme file.
    Source code and all assets included are NOT to be used for commercial
    projects (or products) for monetary gains.  The source code provided
    is to only be used for educational purposes and non-profit means.

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